The 2020 Dirty Dozen
What foods you should ideally buy organic
And what to do if you can’t.
What is the dirty dozen?
A list of the top 12 foods that are most likely contaminated with pesticide residue.
Who makes the list?
The EWG in America. Their guide is based on test results by the Department of Agriculture and the Food and Drug Administration of more than 43,000 samples of produce.
Why is it important?
Pesticides are a pretty incredible invention. They are typically synthetic chemical sprays that prevent pests from consuming crops. They are unfortunately also detrimental to our health and planet. Whilst many claim that pesticides aren’t harmful to human health due to it being a small enough amount to kill pests but not enough to harm humans. What has been found however is that we don’t know about the cumulative effects when each food we consume typically still contains pesticide residue. Reducing our exposure to chemicals both on food and front the spoil it was grown in can only enhance our health reducing the toxic load our body already has to emit.
A general guide to shop organic by:
Thin-skinned fruit like pears and berries
Veggies that can't easily be peeled like celery and spinach
Nut products like almonds and peanut butter